OK, This was written on May 6, 2016
Here it goes.
Lord, you are.... Captain of the Kings of the Earth.
Tell my people, those who would be called by my name, those that have continually maintained a course of correction, a course of correction by me, Saith the Lord. That from their perspective, from their TIME perspective, that there is little time.
Time is short, and what we must get done is much. Much is yet to be done.
My government is almost in place in my people. My government is almost ready for the coup.
The great rebellion has begun. Great and many, both large and small have begun to turn away. The hearts of many, that call themselves mine, though I DON"T KNOW THEM! have left the facade of church and have been led, to the slaughter by their own lusts.
But, those who walk with me, those who have turned and NOT partaken of the offering and sacrifices to the Whore of Babylon will I protect.
Tell my people to stop eating the feces of the whore's table.
Eat of me, says the LORD, eat of me and your health will remain strong. Eat of me says the LORD, and you will NOT succumb to the Great Deception! Eat of me, and like the three and four men of old you shall remain strong. And I shall promote you to the king's gate.